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Legal notice

1. Identification data

The company that owns the website www.thexata.es is Makarenko autonomo with registered office at C/ d'Alboraia, 15, BAJO, La Zaidía, 46010 Valencia.

2. Intellectual property of the Website

All rights to the TheXATA brand and all content, graphic design and source code of the Website are the exclusive property of Mrs. Makarenko O. All rights to the activity of the same are reserved.

TheXATA being a registered trademark and protected by law, its exploitation, transformation, reproduction or distribution by any means, by any natural person or company other than the one mentioned above, is totally prohibited.

3. Content of the Website and links

TheXATA is not responsible for the content of said Website or its misuse, the only person responsible being the persons who enter www.thexata.es.

TheXATA is not responsible for the content of third-party websites that can be accessed from www.thexata.es.

4. Exchange or dissemination of information

TheXATA is not responsible for the exchange of information between users of the contents of www.thexata.es. Especially for content that may offend the sensitivity of minors.

5. Updating and modifying the website

TheXATA has the legal capacity to change any content or modification at any level of the aforementioned website without prior notice. Other users will not have legal rights as it is a registered trademark.

6. Indications on technical aspects

TheXATA is not responsible for technical problems caused to computer equipment or for damages caused by third parties who access our website illegally and are beyond our control.

We are free from any responsibility for possible damages or losses that users may suffer due to errors, omissions or defects in the information contained in www.thexata.es.

7. User data processing

In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data, TheXATA undertakes to use personal data only for the purpose of storing it in our database. Without any personal interest.

Customer data will only be used to process orders and send offers of interest to our customers so that they are kept informed of new models and collections on the furniture market.

TheXATA guarantees the security and confidentiality of said data.

Our customers may change or cancel their user account at any time by contacting us through our email address ross.makarenko@gmail.com.

8. Security

Our customers' access to the Web will be through a secure connection.

9. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

In general, commercial relations with the services provided to our customers are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Any user of our website is aware of the above and accepts it voluntarily.

10. Privacy Policy

The data provided by the client is for the sole purpose of providing the retail and wholesale service to the client and is for our exclusive use. We will occasionally send you newsletters with interesting one-off offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from the newsletters, please contact ross.makarenko@gmail.com.

According to Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11, we are taking the necessary measures to protect our clients' data from third parties. If you wish to unsubscribe or make changes to your client profile, please let us know at ross.makarenko@gmail.com so that the relevant changes can be made.